Build a live-video-streaming application on What’s more, the app we’ve created here won’t be just an ugly, k application; Thanks for the stream chat .Build a Livestream Video & Chat App for Android..

It’s been a long working day. You are sitting on a chair thinking about your friends. You take out WhatsApp or Zoom or Skype and start a video call with them.

But… But…, Have you ever wondered of making one yourself? You must be thinking it must be pretty difficult, lot’s of code, lot’s of integration, etc. etc.

Trust me. It’s pretty easy. Well, to be honest, CometChat makes it easy.

In this tutorial, we would be building a video chat app. I’ll walk you through the basics of integrating CometChat in your app. We’ll then see step by step what do we need to build a simple video chat app in minutes!

Build a Livestream Video & Chat App for Android

First, let’s introduce you to CometChat if you have never heard of it. The headline on its sums up nicely in one line. Text chat & video calling for your website and appsIt has 2 variants, CometChat Go and CometChat Pro.

Go is used for drag and drop chat plugin for your websites and no-code solutions.
Pro gives you access to its APIs, SDKs, Components to build your solution with bare minimum development. You can read more about CometChat

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